Who is the wise one already!
Help Your Child Deal with Bullies
by Kate Roberts, Ph.D. Although bullying has existed for centuries, today it seems more prevalent than ever before. According to the latest data samples (2010) from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 29 percent of children are bullied. This includes face-to-face bullying, as well as cyber-bullying. Bullying is defined as a form of intimidation or an attempt to have power over someone who is perceived as weaker. There are two types of bullying. Physical aggression or … [Read more...]
How to Parent with Attitude
David Elkind, the famous developmental psychologist, once wrote that “parenting is an attitude”. I recall that when I read this statement, many years ago, I didn’t quite understand it. I had a glimmer of what he meant, but I kept thinking: What type of attitude? And it can’t just be an attitude, right? After all, a parent actually has to do something to raise children. I think I understand now what Elkind meant. There is, as you know, a lot of advice out there, from a variety of … [Read more...]
We Love Jason Love!
Indulging kids like no kids have been indulged before... … [Read more...]
Managing Conflict Between You and Your Partner: Separate the Solution from the Problem
Managing Conflict: Separate the Solution from the Problem The other day, Cindy called Duncan at work. Cindy asked Duncan to review a letter that she had just written to one of her clients. Duncan was busy, however, with his own crisis. He had two deadlines to make in less than an hour. He didn’t have the time to help Cindy. What’s more, Duncan feels that Cindy has a tendency to call him in the middle of the day to make requests like this. “Cindy”, he said, “I need you to stop calling … [Read more...]
My 13-Year -Old Doesn’t Tell Me Anything Anymore!
Dear Mike: When he was little, my son used to tell me everything. Now he’s 13 and is becoming a stereotypical teenager. He doesn’t tell me anything! I’d just like to have a conversation with him once in a while. If I ask him how school was, all I get is a one-word response. How can I get my child to talk to me (even a little)? Concerned. Dear Concerned: Sometimes, when our children enter the teen years, we don’t recognize them anymore! They have become someone different. … [Read more...]