
We want to hear from You!

Express Yourself

We want to be more than simply a parenting resource. North Shore Children & Families invites you to submit your thoughts about parenting in a variety of ways. Submit short pieces about your experiences in parenting, about childhood, or about how you have developed as a parent or simply as an adult.

Here are some of the ways that you can express yourself:


Submit articles about children or childhood, parenting, family, education, or even about adult development. (Parents develop too.) Articles may include discussions of what you value about parenting, how you try to build character in your child, strategies you use to teach your child, discipline, family issues, and more!

Letters to the Editor

Write a letter to the editor about issues raised in North Shore Children & Families or its contents. Letters should be 300 words or less and send to

Poetry & Prose

Submit a poem or short (500-600 words) story about life at home, your children, what it means to be a parent, or about the trials and tribulations that you experience by being a parent.

Submission Instructions

Send all submissions to Include name, address, phone number, and any other information relevant to your submission. All text must be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment. Artwork must be submitted as a jpg or pdf file and formatted to at least 300 dpi. Submissions become property of North Shore Children & Families and are subject to editorial change. We will contact you only if we decide to publish your submission. Sorry, we can’t return submitted work.